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The cover of the Armenia situation report #2 with a photograph of an older woman being hugged by a younger woman

Refugee Response in Armenia Situation Report #2

Situation Report

In the last week of September 2023, refugees began arriving rapidly in Armenia following renewed hostilities in Karabakh. As of 12 October, an estimated 101,848 refugees had crossed the border, and more than 99.3 per cent of them had been registered by the authorities. More than half of them are reported to be women and girls; an estimated 2,070 women are currently pregnant, 54 have given birth since arriving in Armenia, and an estimated 1,380 will give birth in the coming 6 months.

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A white page with text and photo on it

UNFPA Appeal for Armenia Refugee Response


Over 100,000 people have fled the region of Karabakh and entered Armenia as refugees since hostilities escalated on 19-20 September 2023. All but a few of the region’s inhabitants have left, many with only a few bags of personal belongings. The government of Armenia has mounted a swift emergency response and relocated the refugees across the country. However, there are significant needs for the refugee population as well as for the host community, especially the most vulnerable (including pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people with disabilities, women and girls at risk of gender based violence, youth and older persons) who urgently need support for their physical and mental wellbeing.

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UNFPA Refugee Response in Armenia Situation Report #1

Refugee Response in Armenia Situation Report #1

Situation Report

In the last week of September 2023, refugees began arriving rapidly in Armenia following renewed hostilities in the Karabakh region. As of 3 October, an estimated 100,625 refugees had crossed the border, and more than 85,000 refugees were already registered in the humanitarian registration centres throughout the country.

Approximately half of them are reported to be women and girls, out of which 2,070 are currently pregnant and an estimated 1,380 will give birth in the coming 6 months; 31 %of refugees are reported to be under 18 years old, and around 18% are reported to be older people.

The government of Armenia and the UN agencies, including UNFPA, are currently organizing a rapid needs assessment that will help all service providers tailor the emergency response based on their specific needs.

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A white page with black and navy text

Call to Action: Annual Forum of the Regional Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Declarations and Statement

Call to Action developed at the 3rd Annual Forum of the Regional Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Eastern Europe & Central Asia.

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A white and purple page with text on it

Call to Action on Accelerating Progress in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Declarations and Statement

Call to Action adopted by the participants of the regional conference “Accelerating Progress in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” held in Tbilisi on 26-27 September 2023.

The conference was co-hosted by UNFPA, the Government of Georgia and ANSER.

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A white A4 page with a photo and text on it

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #20

Situation Report

The Ukraine Regional SitRep #20 covers the humanitarian needs and response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries for the period July-August 2023.

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Cover of publication is white with title and 4 characters putting the pieces of a puzzle together

Creating Family-Friendly Workplaces: Lessons and Results from the Expanding Choices Project in Albania, the Republic of Moldova and Kosovo


This document provides an overview of UNFPA’s Expanding Choices project, which collaborated with 19 champion companies across Albania, the Republic of Moldova and Kosovo in response to gender disparities in unpaid care work and the challenges faced by women in balancing work and family life. Project initiatives have helped establish more inclusive and supportive work environments that have benefited nearly 14,000 employees. 

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Cover of publication is white with black title and a family of four pictured

Empowering Parents and Caregivers through Gender-Responsive Family Policies: A Moldovan Case Study


Women in the Republic of Moldova spend on average twice as much time on unpaid care work and domestic duties as men. In addition, women’s labour force participation rate is low, at 54 per cent. To address these issues, the Expanding Choices project worked with officials and the private sector in the Republic of Moldova to effect policy and legislative changes as well as to promote family-friendly and gender-inclusive initiatives in the workplace. Moreover, the project used innovative communication and advocacy strategies to raise awareness, challenge societal norms, and foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for gender equality and equal caregiving roles.

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Cover of publication shows title with 3 people sitting at a table doing work together

Working with the Private Sector to Implement Gender-Responsive Family Policies


These four documents present a series of case studies that focus on the positive impacts of gender-responsive family policies in the workplace, such as work–life balance, gender equality, inclusive employment, talent retention and women’s participation in the labour force. By shining a light on real-world results at 19 champion companies, the case studies highlight the effectiveness of the Expanding Choices project in fostering gender-responsive family policies in the private sector.

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Cover of publication shows text and a regional map in orange

Cervical Cancer Factsheet


Almost every case of cervical cancer could be prevented if countries implemented well-organised, evidence-based, easily accessible cervical screening programmes combined with the vaccination of adolescent girls for human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted virus that can cause the cancer. Read more in our regional factsheet. 

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