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Cover of publication shows text and a photo of a family of 3 with logos at the bottom

The UNFPA Demographic Resilience Programme


This brochure provides an overview of UNFPA’s Demographic Resilience Programme, which aims to strengthen the capacity of countries in Europe and Central Asia to respond to the profound demographic shifts the region is experiencing. 

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A document with text on a white background. There is a photograph at the top of the document of a baby in an incubator.

Regional Response to the Ukraine Crisis: UNFPA Appeal 2024


The war in Ukraine continues with no resolution in sight, taking a toll on the lives of millions of people, including women, girls, older persons and other vulnerable groups who have been uprooted from their homes. Over 14.6 million people – about 40 per cent of the estimated total Ukrainian population – will need humanitarian assistance in 2024. As they face the harsh realities of forced displacement, many women have become the sole providers for their families.

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Cover of publication shows two girls smiling at each other with a blue background, text and logos.

15 Stories of Change


The three-year regional programme ’EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence’ (EU4GE), funded by the European Union and implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA, strengthens women’s and men’s equal rights and opportunities by shifting social perceptions, challenging gender stereotypes, and increasing men’s participation in unpaid domestic and care work. The first phase of the programme was active in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine during March 2020 - June 2023.

Here are 15 stories of women and men, boys and girls who became gender equality advocates and whose lives have improved through the new experiences and knowledge they have acquired thanks to the EU4GE Programme.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UN Women and UNFPA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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A white page with a tan header. It has text, icons, and photos.

Refugee Response in Armenia Situation Report #4

Situation Report

Over 100,000 people fled to Armenia following renewed hostilities in the Karabakh region in September 2023. As of 19 October 2023, the authorities had registered 101,848 refugees. More than half of them are reported to be women and girls; an estimated 2,070 women are currently pregnant, 120 have given birth since arriving in Armenia and an estimated 1,380 will give birth in the next 6 months. 29 per cent of refugees are reported to be under 18 years, 9 per cent to be people with disabilities and approximately 12 per cent to be older than 65 years.

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White paper with text on it. There is a small photograph of an older man and an older woman.

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #21

Situation Report

The Ukraine Regional SitRep #21 covers the humanitarian needs and response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries for the period September-October 2023.

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A page of text with a small photograph of a pregnant woman.

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #7

Situation Report

The massive earthquakes that struck eastern Türkiye in February 2023 affected around 9.1 million people across 11 provinces, leaving over 3.6 million individuals nationwide without safe homes.1 As of October 2023, almost 800,000 people2 were residing in formal and informal sites across six provinces — Adiyaman, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Malatya, and Osmaniye — with the construction of permanent homes underway in several provinces.

Nine months following the earthquakes, the health and protection infrastructure in the affected provinces remains below pre-disaster capacity. It is estimated that among those affected, around 102,000 women have given birth, and an additional 76,000 women are currently pregnant.

However, the deterioration of district-level health facilities and the shortage of specialised doctors has reduced the usage of antenatal and postnatal care services.

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Cover of publications shows the title. Below it is a green circle with a scale inside of it. There is a man and a woman.

The Family-Friendly Workplace Model


This publication provides a detailed overview of the family-friendly workplace model developed as part of the Expanding Choices project. By guiding readers through the model’s five steps — introduction, strategy, planning, implementation, and monitoring and adjustments — the publication offers private sector companies the knowledge, evidence and tools needed to establish and implement long-term gender-responsive family policies and initiatives. 

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The cover of the Armenia situation report #3 with a photograph of a young mother holding a baby.

Refugee Response in Armenia Situation Report #3

Situation Report

In the last week of September 2023, refugees began arriving rapidly in Armenia following renewed hostilities in Karabakh. As of 20 October, 101,848 refugees have been registered in Armenia since 24 September.

More than half of them are reported to be women and girls; an estimated 2,070 women are currently pregnant, 88 have given birth since arriving in Armenia, and an estimated 1,380 will give birth in the next 6 months.

31% of refugees are reported to be under 18 years, and around 18% are reported to be older than 65 years.

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Text from the Highlights from the ICPD30 conference discussions report

Highlights from the ICPD30 conference discussions


Highlights from the Regional Conference on ICPD 2023, Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices, organized by UNECE and UNFPA in Geneva on 19-20 October 2023.

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Cover of publication shows an older man holding a small child who is pointing into the distance

Ensuring Rights and Choices amid Demographic Change


As the international community prepares to mark the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in 1994, UNECE and UNFPA have collaborated to evaluate achievements and setbacks in the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and the recommendations made in the 2013 Chair’s Summary. This report highlights how recent crises have had an impact on key population and development trends in the UNECE region, identifies areas where it is necessary to accelerate efforts and provides examples of concrete policy responses to both long-standing and emerging issues.

Since the last ICPD regional review in 2018, the UNECE region has changed profoundly. The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching impacts on people and economies. Devastating natural disasters have led to large-scale humanitarian and economic crises in parts of the region. The war in Ukraine has taken thousands of lives, caused untold destruction and displaced millions of people. Even before these crises, progress towards the ICPD Programme of Action in the UNECE region was uneven. In this new context, progress has slowed or reversed in many areas, and inequalities have been exacerbated.

At the same time, most countries are facing or will soon confront declining fertility, ageing populations and projected population decline. The UNECE region will lead the world into a new demographic reality. To adequately prepare for emerging challenges and opportunities, the report urges countries to strive to understand their population dynamics and to design human-rights-based public policies that build on individual potential and capabilities and that advance gender equality.

The 2023 SDG Summit (18–19 September 2023) marked the halfway point to the deadline set for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and called for a new phase of accelerated action leading up to 2030. To carry forward this momentum in the UNECE region, the report reiterates the linkages between the ICPD Programme of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and demonstrates the role of the ICPD Programme of Action in achieving the SDGs.

Renewed collective action is required to overcome setbacks and sustain progress amid recent disruptions. This report helps to chart the way forward for realizing the potential of individuals and societies and for securing the human rights of everyone amid the new demographic realities in the UNECE region.

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