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Extracts from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development

Technical Reports and Document

This document is a summary of the Regional Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development that was prepared by UNECE and UNFPA to inform the Regional Conference “Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices” (19 and 20 October 2023, Geneva). The Regional Report presents progress in the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action in the UNECE region since the last review in 2018 and highlights achievements and setbacks in population and development outcomes over time. The report identifies areas where acceleration of efforts is required to realize individual and societal potential and highlights policy responses to both longstanding and emerging issues. It provides action-oriented recommendations towards advancing progress on the ICPD PoA in the context of evolving demographic, social, and economic realities in the UNECE region. 

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Cover of publication shows a woman with a small girl child and a baby.

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #6

Situation Report

Six months after the devastating earthquakes of February 2023, health and protection infrastructure and services remain critically affected. Among the 9.1 million people directly affected by the earthquakes, 3 million had to leave their homes and reside in formal or informal settlements in the affected area or have moved to other provinces. 

Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services continue to experience interruptions in the affected areas. Menstrual hygiene management is another pressing issue reported. Domestic violence increased after the earthquake, including physical, sexual, and psychological violence. Additionally,  women face challenges in accessing Gender-based Violence (GBV) response services, such as psychosocial support, case management, legal aid/access to justice.

UNFPA continues to bolster a broad approach to inter-agency cooperation in support of SRH and GBV service provision across the affected provinces.

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Navy blue cover of publication shows logos and title reading: Key results of the third implementation year

EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence - Key results of the third implementation year

Annual Report

This brief provides a short overview of the third-year achievements of the 3-year programme ’EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence’. The programme seeks to strengthen equal rights and opportunities for women and men by shifting social perceptions around gender roles, tackling gender stereotypes, and increasing men’s participation in childcare and other domestic responsibilities.


During its third implementation year (March 2022 – February 2023), the programme reached almost 5 million people through multiple innovative social media campaigns aimed at challenging gender stereotypes and discriminatory social norms and empowering young women and girls. Over 11,5 million people from all six project countries increased their awareness on the importance of men’s caretaking responsibilities through various communication and advocacy initiatives.  The programme also awarded 13 small grants to civil society organizations, which enabled the CSOs to implement projects in all six Eastern Partnership countries.


This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UN Women and UNFPA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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Cover of publication shows title with a photo and text

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #19 – 14 July 2023

Situation Report

The Ukraine Regional SitRep#19 covers the humanitarian needs and response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries for the period May-June 2023.

The SitRep includes UNFPA’s response after the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam that caused massive floods, leaving behind an unconfirmed number of civilians killed and injured, forcibly displacing thousands and potentially affecting 100,000 inhabitants directly:

  • In response to the urgent humanitarian needs in flood-affected regions, UNFPA joined several UN Inter-Agency convoys that were deployed immediately to those in need and distributed dignity kits to address the hygiene needs of affected women.
  • The various services already provided in Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa (Survivor Relief Centre, “VILNA” Women-Friendly Space and Mobile Teams) scaled up their activities to respond to the increasingly urgent needs of women, girls and older persons. UNFPA also deployed additional Mobile Teams to Mykolaiv and Odesa to provide psychosocial support to evacuees.
  • UNFPA continues to support 29 “Vilna” Women-Friendly Spaces across Ukraine, 28 Safe Spaces across Moldova, including eight Mobile Safe Spaces, and four Safe Spaces in Romania to conduct outreach activities targeting the refugees and host communities. UNFPA supports Safe Spaces dedicated to women, youth and older persons.


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Cover of publication shows a pregnant woman laying in a hospital bed

Ukraine and Refugee Response Crisis: UNFPA Appeal 2023


The war in Ukraine has taken a toll on the lives of millions of women and girls who have fled Ukraine, on those displaced within the country, on those who have lost their homes, their families, their livelihoods and on those who are now the sole providers for their families.

In this updated Ukraine appeal for 2023, UNFPA seeks $103 million in funding for its humanitarian response in Ukraine, Moldova and neighboring countries to provide life-saving services for sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence prevention and response and psychosocial support to women and girls and other vulnerable people in need.

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Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #5

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #5

Situation Report

Situation Report on UNFPA’s response to the humanitarian emergency caused by the earthquakes in Türkiye.

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Cover of publication shows a woman giving medical attention to another woman. There are children around and a title is shown.

UNFPA's Earthquake Recovery & Resilience Offer in Türkiye

Situation Report

The massive earthquakes that struck eastern Türkiye on 6 February 2023 directly affected some 9.1 million people across 11 provinces.

Following the immediate response which was covered by the UN-led Earthquake Flash Appeal, the scale of needs remains critical, especially for the most vulnerable groups. Women and girls in the aftermath of such disasters are typically robbed of the ability to take charge of their bodies, lives and futures. In the aftermath of this crisis, gender inequality is putting women’s and girls’ health and well-being at risk.

UNFPA has developed a Recovery & Resilience Offer covering the period from 1 June 2023 until the end of 2025. In total, $42 million USD is required to continue supporting women, girls and groups with specialized needs.

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A publication cover page with a white background, black text, and logos on the top.

Resolution from the International Forum "Population Censuses: Challenges and Opportunities"

Declarations and Statement

The International Forum on Population Censuses, held in Almaty on 22-23 May 2023, emphasized the importance of censuses for socio-economic forecasting and evidence-based policy-making. Some 150 participants from 10 CIS countries attended the forum and agreed on a set of commitments for future censuses in the region. By adhering to these commitments, the participating countries aim to improve census practices, inform decision-making, and expedite progress towards the achievement of sustainable development goals. 

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Cover of publication shows title and logos. There is a photo of a teenage male who has a prosthetic leg.

Disability-inclusive development with men and boys

Technical Reports and Document

This short brief describes how rigid gender norms wreak havoc on all members of society and presents evidence indicating that the outcomes are better for everyone in societies with more flexible and adaptable gender norms. Seeing men as co-beneficiaries and stakeholders in the fight for gender and social equality, the document present a series of recommendations to engage men and boys as part of gender-transformative strategies.

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Cover of publication shows a family with two parents, two children, and an older woman. Title and logos are shown.

The State of Gender-Responsive Family Policies in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region

Technical Reports and Document

The State of Gender-Responsive Family Policies in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region provides a set of recommendations aimed at helping governments shape policies that will enable individuals to balance their work and life responsibilities more equally. Focused on seven areas — maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, carer’s leave, flexible working arrangements, early childhood education and care, and gender norms and stereotypes — the recommendations are ultimately aimed at building demographically resilient societies that can mitigate the potential negative impact of demographic change on individuals, societies, economies and the environment.

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