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Cover of publication shows title with a family photo. There is a man, two girls and a young boy.

Technical brief: Analysis of issues related to masculinities and disability in conflict and post-conflict settings

Technical Reports and Document

Based on a literature review and interviews with key stakeholders, this technical brief synthesizes current research into how masculinities and disabilities intersect in conflict and post-conflict settings. It outlines evidenced-based strategies for meaningful engagement with men and boys and sheds light on how to equip them with the skills they need to play a role in peaceful societies that are both gender- and disability-inclusive.

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Cover of publication shows a father with three girls and title

Compendium of Good Practices Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Technical Reports and Document

Son preference and gender-biased sex selection have both individual consequences — family and community pressure to have male children, as well as violence, including forced abortion — and demographic consequences. A society with a surplus of men could face increased migration, human trafficking, crime, gender-based violence and political unrest. In presenting successful efforts to address son preference and gender-biased sex selection in the South Caucasus, the Compendium of Good Practices is a resource that can inform programming on these issues in other parts of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.

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Cover of publication shows title and a photo of two women speaking

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #18 – 17 May, 2023

Situation Report

In the last two months, at least 12 attacks on healthcare facilities were reported. Access in nongovernmental controlled areas continues to be highly restricted and safety concerns, particularly involving mines and explosive remnants of war remain the main barriers in terms of humanitarian access. 

UNFPA continues to work with partners to ensure access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) services for women and girls in most regions of Ukraine and in neighbouring countries to address the evolving humanitarian situation.

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Cover of publication is white with black text

Statement of Commitment for Advancing Midwifery in the European Region

Declarations and Statement

The Statement of Commitment for Advancing Midwifery in the European Region was presented during the launch of the first-ever report on the state of the midwifery workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia which took place on the 5th of May 2023, when the world celebrates the International Day of the Midwife.


The document calls on Member States, international organizations, academia, private sector and civil society, including NGOs, for advancing midwifery education, competencies, regulation, leadership and association in the European region.

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State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for rights and choices

State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for rights and choices

State of World Population Report

The State of World Population report is produced by a panel of external advisers, researchers and writers, who work alongside UNFPA technical staff and editors, bringing the insights of leading independent experts together on issues related to the UNFPA mandate. This report explores how people — the general public, policymakers, academics and others — understand current population trends, and how those views can impact sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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Cover of publication shows a woman looking out over the devastation of the city.

Türkiye / Syria Earthquake Joint Situation Report #2

Situation Report

In the early hours of 6 February 2023, multiple earthquakes, the strongest being of 7.7 magnitude, struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria, creating a disaster of colossal proportions. Nearly 17,000 aftershocks have occurred since then, highlighting the vulnerability of the region to future earthquakes and the severe risks facing communities.

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Türkiye / Syria Earthquake Joint Situation Report # 1

Türkiye / Syria Earthquake Joint Situation Report # 1

Situation Report

In the early hours of 6 February 2023, multiple earthquakes, the strongest being of 7.7 magnitude, struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria, creating a disaster of colossal proportions. Since the two devastating earthquakes on 6 February, nearly 17,000 aftershocks occurred until March 13, highlighting the vulnerability of the region to future earthquakes and the severe risks facing communities.

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UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #17 – 15 March, 2023

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #17 – 15 March, 2023

Situation Report

Ukraine has seen an escalation in attacks across the country in February, damaging power infrastructure, significantly reducing access to heat and water, limiting the movement of civilians, and affecting the ability of Ukrainians to seek critical services. The increase in hostilities challenges the ability of organizations to assist those who are most vulnerable and in need of GBV support, SRH care and mental health and psychosocial assistance.

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Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #5

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #5

Situation Report

Situation Report on UNFPA’s response to the humanitarian emergency caused by the earthquakes in Türkiye.

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Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #4

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report #4

Situation Report

Situation Report on UNFPA’s response to the humanitarian emergency caused by the earthquakes in Türkiye.

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