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Text of Dushanbe Declaration with logos of sponsoring organizations along the top

International Parliamentarians’ Forum on ICPD30: Sustainable Water Resources and Demographic Resilience for the Interest of Youth Declaration

Declarations and Statement

Declaration adopted by parliamentarians from 17 countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region at a meeting held on 10 June 2024 in the margins of the Third International Water Conference in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

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Cover of publication shows a female healthcare worker tending to a newborn baby. The title "Midwifery Education" is shown.

Midwifery Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Technical Reports and Document

The report Midwifery Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is based on the findings of two assessments – one on the quality of midwifery education and the other on the degree to which competencies relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights are included in midwifery curricula – that were conducted following the publication of the 2022 report The State of the Midwifery Workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


The information contained in this new report can help countries and territories across Eastern Europe and Central Asia to address gaps in midwifery education and, ultimately, to improve the quality of care and the landscape of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health care.

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Abstract illustration of two women facing each other in blue and orange colors.

Interwoven lives, threads of hope

State of World Population Report

Thirty years ago, the world came together at the International Conference for Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo and put people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights at the heart of global development. 

Since then, we have made enormous strides in fulfilling the ICPD agenda. But millions are still denied their health and rights every day – something that can and must end.

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Cover of publication shows a mom, dad, and two daughters with text and logos

Roadmap for ending the unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by 2030


The purpose of the Roadmap for Ending the Unmet Need for Family Planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by 2030 is to guide countries and territories in the region as they develop family planning policies and programmes that are tailored to their specific circumstances, with the ultimate aim of ending the unmet need for family planning by 2030. At the heart of the approach outlined in Roadmap are the organizations and individuals who will be responsible for delivering interventions to end that unmet need.

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A page with text on it with a photograph of woman holding a baby.

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report

Situation Report

The massive earthquakes that struck eastern Türkiye in February 2023 affected around 9.1 million people across 11 provinces, leaving over 3.6 million individuals nationwide without safe homes. One year after, in the most affected provinces (including Adiyaman, Kahramanmaras, Malatya, Hatay, and three districts in Gaziantep and Osmaniye) 760,000 people reside in formal and informal sites. It is estimated that 1.2 million women and girls of reproductive age, including 64,000 pregnant women are in need. The health and protection infrastructure remains below pre-disaster capacity. Humanitarian aid (including the most essential dignity, hygiene & healthcare items) has decreased for those living outside container cities; menstrual hygiene management is a serious issue.

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A page with text on and a photograph of three young people in a room looking at a computer screen with a man's face on it.

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #22

Situation Report

The Ukraine Regional SitRep #22 covers the humanitarian needs and response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries for the period November-December 2023.

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Front cover of a report with text and a design of five people and a baby

Final Evaluation of Regional Joint Programme “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence”


This report presents the results of the independent evaluation of the first phase of the regional programme “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence”, funded by the European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA. The first phase was active in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine during March 2020 - June 2023.

This report was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of UN Women and UNFPA and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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A purple cover with a cut-out photo of mom and dad holding a small girl between them. Title and logos.

Fact Sheet: Georgia

Fact Sheet

Son preference and daughter aversion have predominantly been understood in terms of gender-biased sex selection, which has been identified and measured by the presence of a skewed sex ratio at birth (SRB). When the “natural” sex ratio of 105 males to 100 females skews even further towards males, it indicates a prevalence of prenatal sex selection in favour of sons. Despite a decreasing SRB and a parallel trend in attitudinal data, son preference remains of significant concern in Georgia. 

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A purple cover with a cut-out photo of a man leaning over a girl. Title and logos.

Fact Sheet: Azerbaijan

Fact Sheet

Son preference is a significant issue in Azerbaijan, sustained by harmful gender and social norms. This is reflected, for example, in data on the fertility choices of men and women in the 2018 International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) (UNFPA Azerbaijan and others, 2018). Both male and female survey respondents said they preferred to have a larger number of boys than girls (Figure 1). Men showed a stronger preference than women for a larger number of boys: 41.5 per cent of men showed a preference for a greater number of sons over daughters, compared to just 18.3 per cent of women who shared this preference. By contrast, 17.5 per cent of women preferred to have more daughters than sons, a preference shared by only 6.0 per cent of men. Despite this preference for sons, more than half of Azerbaijanis aspired to have a gender-balanced family with an equal number of sons and daughters (UNFPA Azerbaijan and others, 2018). 

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A purple cover with a cut-out photo of a young girl laughing. Title and logos.

Fact Sheet: Armenia

Fact Sheet

Son preference and daughter aversion have predominantly been understood in terms of gender-biased sex selection, which has been identified and measured by the presence of a skewed sex ratio at birth (SRB). When the “natural” sex ratio of 105 males to 100 females skews even further towards males, it indicates a prevalence of prenatal sex selection in favour of sons. The most recent data from Armenia indicates a rise of a skewed SRB. While the factors behind these developments remain uncertain without further research, the rising SRB highlights an enduring preference for male children and a perception of the lower value of girls in Armenia. 

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