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Roadmap for ending the unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by 2030

The purpose of the Roadmap for Ending the Unmet Need for Family Planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by 2030 is to guide countries and territories in the region as they deve...

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Situation Report

Türkiye Earthquake Situation Report

The massive earthquakes that struck eastern Türkiye in February 2023 affected around 9.1 million people across 11 provinces, leaving over 3.6 million individuals nationwide without...

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Situation Report

UNFPA Regional Response to Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #22 - 17 January 2024

The Ukraine Regional SitRep #22 covers the humanitarian needs and response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries for the period November-December 2023.

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Final Evaluation of Regional Joint Programme “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence”

This report presents the results of the independent evaluation of the first phase of the regional programme “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gen...

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Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Georgia

Son preference and daughter aversion have predominantly been understood in terms of gender-biased sex selection, which has been identified and measured by the presence of a skewed ...

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Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Armenia

Son preference and daughter aversion have predominantly been understood in terms of gender-biased sex selection, which has been identified and measured by the presence of a skewed ...

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Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Azerbaijan

Son preference is a significant issue in Azerbaijan, sustained by harmful gender and social norms. This is reflected, for example, in data on the fertility choices of men and women...

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Regional Response to the Ukraine Crisis: UNFPA Appeal 2024

The war in Ukraine continues with no resolution in sight, taking a toll on the lives of millions of people, including women, girls, older persons and other vulnerable groups who ha...

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15 Stories of Change

The three-year regional programme ’EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence’ (EU4GE), funded by the European Union and implem...

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