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UNFPA-supported training course on demography and population dynamics enhances regional dialogue between policymakers from CIS countries

calendar_today 15 March 2021


UNFPA-supported training course on demography and population dynamics enhances regional dialogue between policymakers from CIS countries

The second round of advanced training courses on population and development kicked off today with the participation of 26 public servants, representatives of academic…

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Bosnia and Herzegovina’s demographic troubles are real, but it’s not too late to reverse course

calendar_today 05 March 2021


Bosnia and Herzegovina’s demographic troubles are real, but it’s not too late to reverse course

By: John Mosoti The presentation of our new population projections for Bosnia and Herzegovina last December sent shock waves through the country. The main message…

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Supermodel and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova teams up with UNFPA to end the stigma around women’s bodies and health

calendar_today 24 February 2021

Press Release

Supermodel and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova teams up with UNFPA to end the stigma around women’s bodies and health

New York, 24 February 2021 - Supermodel, philanthropist and impact investor, Natalia Vodianova was today appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UNFPA, the United Nations…

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Serbian woman promotes rights of people with disabilities during COVID-19

calendar_today 22 February 2021


Serbian woman promotes rights of people with disabilities during COVID-19

Mónika Zsúnyi is 26 years old and lives in Temerin, Serbia. She holds a MSc degree in Applied Mathematics, she is engaged in 3D modeling and loves to read. Living with a cerebral…

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Amid conflict, displacement, pandemic, Syrian girls see a future in… robots

calendar_today 22 February 2021


Amid conflict, displacement, pandemic, Syrian girls see a future in… robots

AL BAB, Northwest Syria – Bana, 12, was able to escape her hometown, the city of Aleppo, before the Syrian conflict engulfed her neighbourhood. It was the first of two…

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UNFPA renews partnership with South-eastern Europe Health Network to accelerate progress on sexual and reproductive health

calendar_today 28 January 2021


UNFPA renews partnership with South-eastern Europe Health Network to accelerate progress on sexual and reproductive health

ISTANBUL/SKOPJE - UNFPA renewed the partnership agreement with the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights in South…

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The diplomatic community lends a hand to help women’s shelters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

calendar_today 27 January 2021


The diplomatic community lends a hand to help women’s shelters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina – As in many parts of the world, the eight women’s shelters across the country saw rising numbers of survivors of violence…

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Change-makers in Serbia: 5 women with disabilities who are championing sexual and reproductive health

calendar_today 14 January 2021


Change-makers in Serbia: 5 women with disabilities who are championing sexual and reproductive health

BELGRADE, Serbia — From getting a doctor’s exam to starting a family, things that many people take for granted can seem beyond reach for women and girls with…

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Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tajikistan

calendar_today 12 January 2021


Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tajikistan

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan — Like many people, young mother Madina Yuldosheva has been reluctant to visit her doctor during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I stopped going in for…

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