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Regional Conference on Youth Statistics and SDGs

calendar_today 22 December 2020


Regional Conference on Youth Statistics and SDGs

More than 50 experts attended an online regional conference on “Youth Statistics and the Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs],” organized by the CIS Interstate…

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Let’s stop treating sexual and reproductive health care as anything less than essential

calendar_today 12 December 2020


Let’s stop treating sexual and reproductive health care as anything less than essential

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem International Universal Health Coverage Day 12 December 2020 When universal health coverage became an agreed…

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UNFPA-supported advanced training on demography and population brings together policymakers from CIS states

calendar_today 11 December 2020


UNFPA-supported advanced training on demography and population brings together policymakers from CIS states

Civil servants and representatives of academic institutions in the CIS member states have participated in the first round of advanced training courses on Population Projection …

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Bold grassroots campaign, Fight Like a Girl, teaches self-defense to women and girls in Ukraine, with support from the European Union

calendar_today 10 December 2020


Bold grassroots campaign, Fight Like a Girl, teaches self-defense to women and girls in Ukraine, with support from the European Union

Fight Like a Girl is a new online space free from stereotypes that equips young women and girls with useful tips on legal and sexual security and physical self-defense against…

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Standing up for human rights more important than ever

calendar_today 10 December 2020


Standing up for human rights more important than ever

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on Human Rights Day 10 December 2020 Realizing human rights, equal and inalienable for every person, is the most…

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Ensuring access to lifesaving information and services for persons with disabilities during COVID-19

calendar_today 03 December 2020


Ensuring access to lifesaving information and services for persons with disabilities during COVID-19

ALMATY, Kazakhstan — Face masks are globally recognized as a crucial tool for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, but for some people, they can also be a barrier to accessing…

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The health systems we build back after COVID-19 must reach everyone

calendar_today 03 December 2020


The health systems we build back after COVID-19 must reach everyone

Today, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we commit to building a world that is accessible to everyone. Making that a reality requires removing the persistent…

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COVID-19 Threatens to Exacerbate Inequalities Faced by Many Living with HIV

calendar_today 01 December 2020


COVID-19 Threatens to Exacerbate Inequalities Faced by Many Living with HIV

As the world combats another virus, COVID-19, it must not forget HIV. While the two viruses differ in many ways, the parallels between them reflect the vulnerabilities that these…

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Helping the most vulnerable survive the double pandemic of HIV and COVID-19 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

calendar_today 30 November 2020


Helping the most vulnerable survive the double pandemic of HIV and COVID-19 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

ISTANBUL, Turkey — “They gave me your address and said that maybe you can help me. I’m stuck in New York and cannot get my antiretroviral therapy.” …

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