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Silent solutions available to quarantined survivors of domestic violence

calendar_today 22 May 2020


Silent solutions available to quarantined survivors of domestic violence

KYIV, Ukraine – Oleksandra’s* ex-husband was waging a quiet war against her, she says, one that escalated under quarantine. She lives in the same apartment as…

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Older people’s rights and dignity must be protected amid COVID-19 pandemic

calendar_today 18 May 2020


Older people’s rights and dignity must be protected amid COVID-19 pandemic

By Alanna Armitage Across Europe, from Spain to Serbia, care homes for older people have become hotspots of COVID-19 infections. According to the World Health Organization,…

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Expanding choices during and after the COVID-19 crisis through employer support to working parents

calendar_today 13 May 2020


Expanding choices during and after the COVID-19 crisis through employer support to working parents

By: Tiina Bruno, Parentsmart Employers, Sweden The rapid transition of so many employees to working at home with their children due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought…

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In Kyrgyz Republic, lockdowns force crisis centres to close their doors

calendar_today 12 May 2020


In Kyrgyz Republic, lockdowns force crisis centres to close their doors

KARAKOL, Kyrgyz Republic – When Ainura*, 30, arrived at the medical centre in Karakol she was so badly bruised that the doctor asked how she could endure the pain. It wasn’t…

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UNFPA launches programme to strengthen gender-responsive family policies in Western Balkans and Moldova

calendar_today 08 May 2020


UNFPA launches programme to strengthen gender-responsive family policies in Western Balkans and Moldova

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Women in the Western Balkans and Moldova face significant barriers in achieving balance between their family lives and employment. Though these barriers are…

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Protecting the health and rights of older people amid COVID-19

calendar_today 08 May 2020


Protecting the health and rights of older people amid COVID-19

ISTANBUL, Turkey – The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people and communities all around the world, but the disease poses heightened risks for older persons, a fact evident in all…

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Protecting seasonal workers in Turkey’s tent settlements from COVID-19

calendar_today 06 May 2020


Protecting seasonal workers in Turkey’s tent settlements from COVID-19

MERSIN, Turkey – Meryem, a Syrian refugee living in a tent settlement in southern Turkey, says her family struggles to maintain their health under even normal circumstances…

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Need for disability-sensitive response to violence amplified by COVID-19

calendar_today 04 May 2020


Need for disability-sensitive response to violence amplified by COVID-19

TURKESTAN, Kazakhstan — “I’m sure any woman or girl who has survived violence remembers all her life the day when it happened for the first time,” says Indira,* a three-time…

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calendar_today 28 April 2020

Press Release

New UNFPA projections predict calamitous impact on women’s health as COVID-19 pandemic continues

More than 47 million women could lose access to contraception, leading to 7 million unintended pregnancies in the coming months. NEW YORK – As the COVID-19 pandemic rages…

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