In 2014, UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (EECA RO), in partnership with the East European Institute for Reproductive Health (EEIRH), introduced a regional initiative to support multi-sectoral, coordinated responses (MSR) to Gender-based Violence (GBV). The initiative’s overall goal was to strengthen the capacity of the national stakeholders from the EECA region to design and implement a comprehensive response to, and prevention of GBV.
The initiative has introduced and strengthened the multi-sectoral response to GBV, by developing the capacities at institutional and individual levels, also facilitating knowledge sharing and policy advocacy interventions between countries and key sectors to apply the coordinated multi-sectoral response to GBV.
The response package also includes a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on gender-based violence that provides a clear and detailed description of routine actions of professionals from three key sectors (health, psycho-social, and law enforcement) who may provide assistance/services for GBV survivors with the broadened concept of MSR to the nexus of disability.
The next step in the initiative is to strengthen GBV case management (GBV CM)The aim is to support state and non-state institutions engaged in providing case management services to improve their services and/or establish well-structured systems based on t survivors’ right to safety, confidentiality, respect, dignity, and assistance without discrimination.
It is against this background that UNFPA EECARO seeks to engage the services of a consultant to develop a methodological and conceptual framework for the GBV case management system in the EECA region. The framework will be based on the findings of an assessment of the existing GBV CM system/services provided by state and non-state institutions in EECA countries.
The framework will include a comprehensive Action Plan that will guide UNFPA's EECA initiatives on GBV CM to be implemented in the course of the next 3 years to ensure that through a quality GBV CM system, the survivors will seek comprehensive, coordinated multi-sectoral support that addresses their multiple needs.
The consultancy aims:
(1) to define UNFPA’s approach to supporting systems, institutions, and services in countries in EECA to increase the quality of GBV essential services and ensure a survivor-centred, gender-sensitive, and inclusive approach through a systematic case management process.
(2) to provide clear strategic guidance to the Regional Office to promote and advocate for the integration of GBV CM within the state social service system, develop tools and strengthen existing services provided by state and non-state institutions and scale up the Regional pool of qualified GBV case managers and mentorship programming over the next 3 years (2024-2026).