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Thematic area


Youth in the Commonwealth of Independent States: A Statistical Portrait (Summary)

A data-driven look at the health and prospects of young people

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ICPD Beyond 2014 UNECE Regional Conference: Chair's Summary

The ICPD Beyond 2014 review in the region concluded with a conference in Geneva.

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ICPD Beyond 2014 UNECE Regional Conference Report

The ICPD Beyond 2014 review in the region concluded with a conference in Geneva.

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Sex Imbalances at Birth in Armenia

An in-depth analysis of sex-at-birth imbalances and projections of the possible consequences

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Georgia's Missing Girls

An infographic about gender-biased sex selection in Georgia

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Thematic Brief: Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development

Key issues and recommendations on addressing demographic change and bolstering human capital.

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Thematic Brief: Families and Sexual and Reproductive Health Over the Life Course

Key issues and recommendations regarding sexual and reproductive health at any age.

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Technical Reports and Document

National Transfer Accounts Manual: Measuring and Analysing the Generational Economy

The Manual provides a coherent accounting framework of economic flows from one age group or generation to another, typically for a national population in a given calendar year...

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From ICPD to Post-2015

Global and regional activities and progress in European countries towards achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. ...

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