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Thematic area


Men and Gender Relations in Georgia

A review of men and women’s attitudes and practices on a wide variety of topics related to gender equality

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Inequities in Roma Women’s Health

An overview of the complex inequalities in health that Roma face and UNFPA’s work in the region on Roma health

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Youth in the Commonwealth of Independent States: A Statistical Portrait

A data-driven look at various aspects of young people’s lives in the CIS

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Men and Gender Relations in Georgia

The goal of the survey “Men and Gender Relations in Georgia” is to gather data on men’s attitudes towards gender equality; and to describe their experience o...

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Strengthening Health System Responses to Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Resource package with guidance and training for healthcare professionals

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Child Marriage in Albania (Summary)

A brief look at the issue of child marriage in Albania

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Child Marriage in Kazakhstan (Summary)

A brief look at the issue of child marriage in Kazakhstan

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Child Marriage in Tajikistan (Summary)

A brief look at the issue of child marriage in Tajikistan

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Child Marriage in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Overview)

A detailed look at the issue of child marriage in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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