Provision of modern short- and long-acting contraceptives, information, counselling and services (including emergency contraception) is lifesaving and should be available and acces...
Women represent 70 percent of the health and social sector workforce globally and special attention should be given to how their work environment may expose them to discrimination,...
Summary of discussions and conclusions reached at the Regional Conference on Population Dynamics, Human Capital and Sustainable Development, held in Sarajevo in October 2019. ...
Lifetime Risk of Maternal Death in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, governments of 179 countries adopted the programme of action, agreeing to deliver universal access to ...
Technical Reports and Document
The main aim of this document is to provide a set of recommendations that can support national governments with the implementation of the WHO Europe Action Plan for Sexual and Repr...
Technical Reports and Document
This poster accompanies our Boys on the Move training materials. Boys on the Move works to provide potentially life-saving information and build competencies in boys and young...
Boys on the Move works to provide potentially life-saving information and build competencies in boys and young men experiencing changing and challenging circumstances. ...
UNFPA and UNICEF have developed this second edition of the Boys on the Move handbook for participants which targets older adolescent boys and has been rolled out in Italy.