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24 November 2022

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2022

With the global population recently reaching 8 billion, we can celebrate many signs of human progress. Better health and longer lives brought us to... Read more

15 November 2022
Press Release
A blue and white building is shown with a large purple mural painted on the side. The mural has a flower with an 8 inside of it.

As world population reaches 8 billion, Eastern Europe’s demographic woes call for rethink of population policies - UNFPA

ISTANBUL, 15 November 2022 – Today’s milestone of a still-growing world population reaching 8 billion must not distract from the consequences that... Read more

14 November 2022
Press Release
A woman in a white shirt and black blazer speaks into a microphone with a purple and orange backdrop

Mayors, young people chart ways to build youth-friendly cities in a world of 8 billion people, at UNFPA conference in Sarajevo

SARAJEVO, 14 November 2022 – Mayors and young people from 47 cities across Eastern Europe and Central Asia have gathered in Sarajevo to discuss ways... Read more

8 November 2022
Rafael Chilingarov, a father of two daughters. Photo credit: UNFPA Georgia_2021_Dina Oganova

In a world of 8 billion: 8 ways countries can manage demographic change

Later this month, the world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion -- another milestone in the rapid growth of the number of people on this... Read more

8 November 2022
Press Release
Diene Keita, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, the 6th Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing organized by UNFPA

Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing kicks off with calls for strengthening demographic resilience

As more and more countries struggle with the consequences of low fertility rates and population ageing, governments must strengthen resilience... Read more

11 October 2022
A woman, man, and girl child sit on the floor of a house. All three are smiling and are surrounded by toys and household items.

Living and working with disabilities: Voices from the region

“I was four or five when I realized there were some things I couldn’t do: I could run but not jump up and play French skipping,” said Anna Maisuradze... Read more

10 October 2022
Malina, 12, from Odesa in Ukraine, reads a story to her new friends at a UNFPA-supported youth safe space

Under increasing conflict and climate crises, young people’s mental health bears a heavy burden

“I remember walking in the cold for a very long time, scared of the explosions and tanks passing near our house,” said 12-year-old Malina, who was... Read more

22 September 2022
A man in a blue shirt sits at a desk. He is holding a baby girl and looking at a stack of papers in his hand.

It’s time to tear down the barriers preventing women and men from having the careers, and number of children, they want

Women across Europe and Central Asia are still widely expected to shoulder much of the unpaid work at home: cleaning, managing the household, caring... Read more

22 September 2022
Press Release
Three women sit in white chairs with their backs to the camera, having a conversation. Behind them, a crowd of people watches.

Well-designed family policies are key for tackling Europe’s demographic woes, speakers say at UNFPA conference

ISTANBUL, 22 September 2022 – Well-designed family policies that benefit women and men are a key element of any successful response to the... Read more

13 September 2022
A woman lays in a hospital bed with her eyes closed. Next to her is a blanket wrapped up around a baby.

Denmark contributes $3.6 million to protect women and girls' health and rights in Ukraine and Moldova

UNITED NATIONS, New York - The Government of Denmark has contributed 25 million Danish Krone (US$3.6 million) to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and... Read more
