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24 January 2013

UNFPA promotes clinical guidelines to improve quality of sexual and reproductive health services

The UN Population Fund’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia has published a new programme guidance on developing clinical guidelines on sexual and reproductive health as part of a... Read more

22 January 2013

Secretary-General, in address to General Assembly, calls 'tyranny' of status quo 'another brake on our common progress'

The following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s address in New York on 22 January 2013: Let me start today’s discussion by thanking you for your support and encouragement throughout... Read more

21 January 2013

UNFPA Turkey provides hygiene kits to Syrian refugees

As the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey steadily increases, another batch of 20,000 hygiene kits provided by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) are being distributed to new arrivals in the 14 camps... Read more
