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Gender-Transformative News, Issue 1

The latest news on gender-transformative programming in the EECA region.

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Lifetime Risk Of Maternal Death

A chart showing the probability that a 15-year-old woman will die eventually from a maternal cause

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Birth in Europe in the 21st Century

A look at the striking differences surrounding childbirth, and how the childbearing choices of women and couples can be best supported by European governments ...

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Training Manual on Gender-based Violence for Health Professionals

A resource for health care system response to GBV and protecting women’s health and rights

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Population Situation Analysis: Georgia 2014

An integrated appraisal of population and reproductive health dynamics

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Preventing Gender-biased Sex Selection in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Why girls are 'missing' in some parts of the region -- and what we can do about it

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Men and Gender Equality in the Republic of Moldova

The goal of the research "Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova” was the identification and understanding of the behaviour and attitudes of men and women, a...

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