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Technical Reports and Document

Implications of COVID-19 for Older Persons

A technical brief on addressing older persons' specific needs within preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Ageing populations & COVID-19 risk

Europe is the region with the world's largest proportion of older persons. Almost 1 in 4 Europeans – 24% of the continent’s total population of 850 million – is 60 years or older. ...

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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic UNFPA Global Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes the largest global public health crisis in a century, with daunting health and socioeconomic challenges. As the UN Secretary-General ' noted, this...

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Gender Equality and the COVID-19 Outbreak

A guidance note on the gender impact of COVID-19 and recommended actions for UN country teams.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Modern Contraceptives and Other Medical Supply Needs, Including for COVID-19 Prevention, Protection and Response

Provision of modern short- and long-acting contraceptives, information, counselling and services (including emergency contraception) is lifesaving and should be available and acces...

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COVID-19: A Gender Lens

Women represent 70 percent of the health and social sector workforce globally and special attention should be given to how their work environment may expose them to discrimination,...

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Conference Report: Population Dynamics, Human Capital and Sustainable Development in South-East Europe

Summary of discussions and conclusions reached at the Regional Conference on Population Dynamics, Human Capital and Sustainable Development, held in Sarajevo in October 2019. ...

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Lifetime Risk of Maternal Death

Lifetime Risk of Maternal Death in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 

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Sexual & Reproductive Health UHC Guide

At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, governments of 179 countries adopted the programme of action, agreeing to deliver universal access to ...

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