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Technical Reports and Document

Champion companies on family-friendly workplaces in Albania

This report, “Albanian Champion Companies on Family Friendly Workplaces”, provides assessment of current family-friendly policies and practices in the private sect...

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Technical Reports and Document

Public Policies Best Practices: Examples from Sweden, Estonia, and Slovenia

Gender-responsive family policies at the national level are crucial to support women and men to have the choices they want, and the capabilities to act on these, when it comes to t...

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Annual Report

Expanding Choices Brief: Year 1 Achievements

The 3-year programme "Expanding Choices: Gender-Responsive Family Policies for the Private Sector in the Western Balkans and Moldova” aims to expand choices fo...

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EU 4 Gender Equality: Year 1 Overview and Achievements

The 3-year programme "EU 4 Gender Equality: Together Against Gender Stereotypes and Gender-Based Violence” seeks to strengthen equal rights and opportunities for wo...

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Why do women tend to earn less than men throughout life?

As part of the Expanding Choices project, UNFPA jointly with its implementing partner,  Expert-Grup, developed an analysis on gender disparities that is based on the economic ...

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The State of the World's Midwifery 2021

An unprecedented effort to document the global sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health workforce, with a particular focus on midwives.

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Technical Reports and Document

Training Package for Healthcare Professionals on Engaging Men in Prenatal Care

The health sector is an important entry point to promote the early involvement of fathers in caregiving. However, maternal and child health providers often primarily communicate wi...

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Compendium on Fatherhood Programmes

Fatherhood Programmes: Best Practices from Around the World

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State of the World Population Report 2021

At UNFPA, we stand with women and girls in claiming their rights and choices, throughout their lives. Since 1994, our programmes have been guided by the International Conference on...

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