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Sexual and gender-based violence in Central Asia: Prevalence Data

Sexual and gender-based violence in Central Asia: Prevalence Data
Sexual and gender-based violence in Central Asia: Prevalence Data


Spotlight Initiative Regional Programme for Central Asia and Afghanistan

Number of pages



Sofia Jamal, in consultation with Ionela Horga

Fact Sheet

Sexual and gender-based violence in Central Asia: Prevalence Data

Publication date

01 December 2022

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Quality and comprehensive data on experiences of victimization, scope, nature, and consequences of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are crucial for effective policymaking. Such data can raise awareness on SGBV in society and increase duty bearers’ accountability in preventing and combating this type of violence. It allows for the design of evidence-based measures and to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of legislation, policies, and other actions to tackle violence over time.

Dedicated surveys are the best way to get a comprehensive approach to SGBV prevalence data, but frequent, cost-effective alternatives are to integrate SGBV modules in existing surveys, such as Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys – MICS, Demographic and Health Surveys – DHS, or health or general crime surveys. However, violence against women is still highly underreported.

This publication provides a summary of the available data on the prevalence of SGBV in Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) from SGBV-dedicated surveys and broader surveys which include SGBV modules conducted in the region. This data may inform and assist decision-makers and stakeholders, at the sectoral level (particularly, law enforcement, social sector and healthcare sector, as well as gender and statistics offices of the governments) to improve the quality and availability of SGBV prevalence data.