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Research on Men and Gender Equality: IMAGES Serbia

Research on Men and Gender Equality: IMAGES Serbia
Research on Men and Gender Equality: IMAGES Serbia


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Marina Hughson


Research on Men and Gender Equality: IMAGES Serbia

Publication date

01 June 2018

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The IMAGES Serbia study addresses key issues in the field of men and gender equality, which include partner relations, the dynamics of family relationships, and the key health and social aspects of men. This report provides key survey findings using the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) methodology which was developed by Promundo and International Center for Research on Women. The study has included quantitative and qualitative research components. The quantitative research was carried out on a nationally representative sample of 1060 men and 540 women 18-60 years old. The qualitative component of the research included 3 focus groups and 15 individual in-depth interviews with different groups of participants. 

The study and its dissemination were conducted within the Joint Project Integrated Response to Violence against Women and Girls in Serbia II, through the partnership of UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA and UNDP and the Government of the Republic of Serbia and led by the Coordination Body for Gender Equality with the generous support of the Government of Sweden. IMAGES Serbia was additionally supported by CARE International Balkans and Oak Foundation.
