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Men and Gender Equality in Armenia

Men and Gender Equality in Armenia
Men and Gender Equality in Armenia


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Men and Gender Equality in Armenia

Publication date

01 January 2016

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Report on Sociological Survey Findings.

UNFPA Armenia Country Office is pleased to share a unique report detailing the recent research on men, gender equality and gender relations in Armenia. This report provides a summary of key survey findings using the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) methodology. The survey findings will be widely disseminated to inspire policy debate and promote policy changes to engage men and boys in gender equality. 

Armenia-based IPSC, Institute for Political and Sociological Consulting, conducted the fieldwork. National experts Mrs. Jina Sargizova and Mr. Vladimir Osipov analysed the data and wrote the report. Promundo provided proficient guidance and advice throughout all the stages of the research. In addition to disseminating the research findings to enhance policy and promote the inclusion of men and boys in the gender equality debate as well as action, these will also be used for advocacy and awareness raising purposes. UNFPA's ultimate goal is to see this research positively contributing to the current knowledge base on gender and development on both national and international levels.