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Getting to zero unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Getting to zero unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Getting to zero unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia


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UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office

Technical Reports and Document

Getting to zero unmet need for family planning in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Publication date

27 June 2022

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The primary goal of the thematic briefs on family planning and reproductive health commodity security presented in this publication is to celebrate regional progress in attaining the targets stipulated in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Contraceptive Security Strategic Framework (2017–2021) in line with the 25 recommended actions. On the other hand, the briefs were produced at a time when the COVID crisis was unfolding around the world, so all stakeholders in the region must learn and build upon the key challenges, lessons and recommendations they describe in order to make sure no country or territory ever underprioritizes access to family planning as an essential service, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The briefs will provide the groundwork to fulfil the promise of Nairobi by operationalizing the implementation of the 25 recommended actions in the Decade of Action as the regional vision to end unmet family planning needs by 2030.