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CISPop: Better Data for Better Policies

A brochure on CISPop: Better Data for Better Policies, a UNFPA programme supported by the Russian Federation to strengthen population data collection, analysis and utilization...

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Global report on ageism

The Global report on ageism outlines a framework for action to reduce ageism including specific recommendations for different actors (e.g. government, UN agencies, civil society or...

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Technical Reports and Document

Turning the Tide?

A brief for UNFPA’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, by Alida Vračić & Tim Judah.

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Technical Reports and Document

Why women tend to earn less than men: Assessment based on the National Transfer Accounts

As part of the Expanding Choices project, UNFPA jointly with its implementing partner - Expert-Grup, developed an analysis on gender disparities that is based on the economic ...

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Factsheet: Current gender equality situation in Albania

The factsheet provides an overview of gender equality and women's empowerment outcome in Albania. The evidence and data shows what could be improved through gender-responsive f...

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Resource Package on Engaging Men During Pregnancy and Childbirth

The health sector is an important entry point to promote the early involvement of fathers in caregiving. However, maternal and child health providers often primarily communicate wi...

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Factsheet: Best practices of gender-responsive family friendly policies in Europe

The factsheet provides good examples and best practices from european countries on establishing national gender-responsive family friendly policies that expand choices ...

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Factsheet: Current family-friendly policies and provisions in Albania

The factsheet provides an overview of the current legal provisions and national policies that exist in Albania to support parents and families. These findings come from the &quo...

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Papa Schools Manual

Research shows that while most men want to be good fathers, deeply embedded gender norms and a lack of recognition by governments and health systems of the key roles men play in t...

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