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Technical Reports and Document

Impact study of Covid-19 on older people and caregivers in Armenia

The COVID-19 pandemic in Armenia has severely affected older people in terms of their life and health, social and economic situation. This study looks at the impacts of COVID-19 on...

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Technical Reports and Document

Measuring migration and remittances in UNECE countries during the pandemic

This report is based on the results of an informal survey among national statistical offices of UNECE countries aimed at finding out how migration and remittances measurement was a...

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Technical Reports and Document

Youth in the commonwealth of independent states and sustainable development goals

Young people in the CIS countries, like in most countries in the world, are prioritizing education and stable employment with prospects for further development. The brochure «...

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Annual Report

CISPop 2020 Annual Report - Executive Summary

This Executive Summary provides an overview of the 2020 Annual Progress Report of the UNFPA regional programme "CISPop: Better Data for Better Policies" funded by th...

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Key recommendations for improving gender-responsive family friendly policies in Albania

This paper provides key recommendations to improve legal provisions and national policies in Albania to better support parents and families. These recommendations are based on...

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Technical Reports and Document

Analysis of gender-responsive family friendly policies in Albania

This report, “Analysis on Gender Responsive Family Friendly Policies in Albania”, provides an overview of the current legal, economic, and social context for gende...

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Technical Reports and Document

Champion companies on family-friendly workplaces in Albania

This report, “Albanian Champion Companies on Family Friendly Workplaces”, provides assessment of current family-friendly policies and practices in the private sect...

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Technical Reports and Document

Public Policies Best Practices: Examples from Sweden, Estonia, and Slovenia

Gender-responsive family policies at the national level are crucial to support women and men to have the choices they want, and the capabilities to act on these, when it comes to t...

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