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Child Marriage in Albania (Overview)


A detailed look at the issue of child marriage in Albania

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Child Marriage in Serbia (Overview)


A detailed look at the issue of child marriage in Serbia

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Child Marriage in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Summary)


A brief look at the issue of child marriage in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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A white page with black text and a logo at the top

ICPD Beyond 2014 UNECE Regional Conference: Chair's Summary

Technical Reports and Document

The ICPD Beyond 2014 review in the region concluded with a conference in Geneva.

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ICPD Beyond 2014 UNECE Regional Conference Report


The ICPD Beyond 2014 review in the region concluded with a conference in Geneva.

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Sex Imbalances at Birth in Armenia


An in-depth analysis of sex-at-birth imbalances and projections of the possible consequences

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Georgia's Missing Girls


An infographic about gender-biased sex selection in Georgia

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A yellow publication cover shows the title and United Nations logo

National Transfer Accounts Manual: Measuring and Analysing the Generational Economy

Technical Reports and Document

The Manual provides a coherent accounting framework of economic flows from one age group or generation to another, typically for a national population in a given calendar year. It also presents the concepts, methods and estimation procedures to measure these flows over the life-cycle. The NTA estimates are useful to understand and analyse the implications of changing age structures for the fiscal sustainability of social programs, the accumulation of physical and human capital, economic growth, and familial support for children, youth and older persons.

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Population Trends and Policies in the UNECE Region


Recent population trends, existing policy responses and recommendations.

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Choices and Planning


Exploring the current status of family planning globally and in Europe.

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