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New Releases

Development and Implementation of Clinical Guidelines for Sexual and Reproductive Health


Ensuring quality care and patient safety by supporting and promoting good clinical practice across national health systems.

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Sex Imbalances at Birth in Albania


The what, how, and why of sex imbalances in Albania

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Key Factors Influencing Contraceptive Use in Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Reasons for low usage rates of contraceptives and recommendations for raising them.

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Increasing Contraceptive Security in Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Recommendations for addressing the alarmingly low modern contraceptive use in the region.

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Clinical Guidelines for Sexual and Reproductive Health


A survey of sexual and reproductive health clinical guidelines in the region.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Access to Services for Vulnerable Groups in Eastern and Europe and Central Asia


A look at the sexual and reproductive health needs of Roma, internally displaced people and adolescents. 

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Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control


A guide for developing or updating cervical cancer prevention and control programmes.

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Population Situation Analysis


A guide to appraising population and reproductive health dynamics and their impacts on poverty, inequality and development.

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Are We on Track? Progress Towards MDG 3, 4 and 5 in Europe


Examining Europe's progress towards the attainment of MDG 3 (promote gender equity), MDG 4 (reduce child mortality) and MDG 5 (improve maternal health).

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Sexual Health: A Public Health Challenge in Europe


Exploring the progress that has been made in sexual health across Europe and highlighting broader concepts of sexual wellbeing.

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