
Decade of Demographic Resilience


The Decade of Demographic Resilience was launched at the Ministerial Conference on “Shaping Europe’s Demographic Future” in Sofia on 1-2 December 2021 to galvanize action for enabling countries to thrive in a world of rapid demographic change.

The Decade of Demographic Resilience provides impetus for countries to anticipate and understand the way populations are changing, and develop responses that mitigate potentially negative effects and fully harness the opportunities that also always come with demographic change.

It is grounded in the understanding that demographic trends are influenced by a complex and interconnected set of social, cultural, economic, environmental and political factors and therefore require comprehensive, holistic policy responses that are based on evidence and put people and their rights and choices first.

In focusing attention and action on the interplay between demographic change and development, the Decade of Demographic Resilience contributes to achieving Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and Central Asia.

The Sofia Alliance, a Member States-led policy and practice community facilitated by UNFPA, contributes to achieving the goals of the Decade of Demographic Resilience. It offers interested countries a platform to receive support, and share experiences, in addressing challenges and harnessing opportunities related to demographic change in areas such as population ageing, migration, rural revitalization, empowering young people, gender equality, financing of social policies, and enabling people to have the number of children they want.

During the Decade, a bi-annual Demographic Resilience Forum will take stock of progress, sustain political support, and showcase successful new initiatives to address demographic change. 


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