

In a world of 8 billion: 8 ways countries can manage demographic change

In a world of 8 billion: 8 ways countries can manage demographic change

Later this month, the world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion -- another milestone in the rapid growth of the number of people on this planet. But as the world is preparing to hit this landmark, it is important to keep in mind that the global trend towards an ever-larger world population masks a remarkable diversity of demographic developments at regional and country level.

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Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing kicks off with calls for strengthening demographic resilience

Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing kicks off with calls for strengthening demographic resilience

As more and more countries struggle with the consequences of low fertility rates and population ageing, governments must strengthen resilience towards demographic change by adjusting social systems and ensuring rights and choices for all people, including those in the margins of society, speakers said today at the opening of the 6th Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing organized by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and KOSTAT, the national statistical office of the Republic of Korea.

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Event Summary: Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future

Summary of UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia's “Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future” conference which took place in Istanbul on 22 September 2022. The event brought together policymakers, the private sector and experts to discuss gender-responsive family policies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

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Well-designed family policies are key for tackling Europe’s demographic woes, speakers say at UNFPA conference

Well-designed family policies are key for tackling Europe’s demographic woes, speakers say at UNFPA conference

ISTANBUL, 22 September 2022 – Well-designed family policies that benefit women and men are a key element of any successful response to the demographic challenges Europe is facing, speakers said at the opening of a high-level conference organized by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, in Istanbul today.      “It’s time to tear down the barriers that prevent women and men to have the careers, and number of children, they want,” said Florence Bauer, Director of UNFPA’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 

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It’s time to tear down the barriers preventing women and men from having the careers, and number of children, they want

It’s time to tear down the barriers preventing women and men from having the careers, and number of children, they want

Women across Europe and Central Asia are still widely expected to shoulder much of the unpaid work at home: cleaning, managing the household, caring for children, husbands and older relatives. This, to a large extent, explains the gender gap we see in the labour markets. Fewer women than men work in paid employment, and those who do are likely to earn less than men, advance slower, and hold more precarious jobs.

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