

Family-friendly workplaces to support demographic resilience

Family-friendly workplaces to support demographic resilience

When Diana Donțu, in Moldova, found out she was pregnant with triplets, she asked her boss for flexible working arrangements. He agreed — these had become more familiar during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it made good economic sense to retain skilled employees. Donțu worked from home after the births and later went back to the office three days a week as executive director of Panilino, a cake factory. “Without these policies, I would have had to find another company, or stay at home,” she said.

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Wooing Balkan repats

Wooing Balkan repats

They’re called repatriates, or “repats” for short, people who move back to their home countries after having emigrated. Some parts of Central and Eastern Europe — under pressure from low birth rates and high outmigration — are working to convince emigrés to return home, hoping to see their populations grow and to develop demographic resilience.

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UNFPA report identifies rising population anxiety, urges radical rethink of how countries address changing demographics

UNFPA report identifies rising population anxiety, urges radical rethink of how countries address changing demographics

New data reveals population anxieties are widespread and governments are increasingly adopting policies aimed at raising, lowering or maintaining fertility rates. But efforts to influence fertility rates are very often ineffective and can erode women’s rights, according to UNFPA's State of World Population report, released today.

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Opinion: Population anxieties must not lead to denial of women’s rights and bodily autonomy

Opinion: Population anxieties must not lead to denial of women’s rights and bodily autonomy

In November 2022, the human population surpassed 8 billion people. At the same time, two thirds of people on the planet already lived in places where fertility rates had fallen below the so-called “replacement level” of 2.1 births per woman. The big demographic transition — the shift from higher to lower mortality and fertility — is happening everywhere, but in some parts of the world it has set in earlier than in others.

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State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for rights and choices

State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for rights and choices

The State of World Population report is produced by a panel of external advisers, researchers and writers, who work alongside UNFPA technical staff and editors, bringing the insights of leading independent experts together on issues related to the UNFPA mandate. This report explores how people — the general public, policymakers, academics and others — understand current population trends, and how those views can impact sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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