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Gabriel Encev bathes his young baby at home in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

Family-friendly workplace policies help parents in Moldova reconcile work and family duties

In the Republic of Moldova, the government and private sector have introduced a range of family-friendly policies to make it easier for women and men to reconcile career and family duties. Such…

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A woman is sitting in the cockpit of an airplane. She is wearing a pilot's uniform.

7 ways you can promote gender equality in a world of rapid demographic change

Women and girls make up about half of the population in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Yet their desires for their lives, families and careers are often ignored in discussions about the region’s…

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Illustration of an older man with a young girl. They are seated at a table and drinking tea together.

6 essential ingredients for stronger families

Families are widely recognized as key building blocks of societies. It is through families, as a recent UN Women report pointed out, that people share resources such as housing and income, look after…

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Family friendly workplace policies at a high-level conference in Istanbul in September 2022.

UNFPA conference looks at how family policies can promote gender equality and tackle Europe’s demographic woes

Over 100 government and business leaders from across Eastern Europe and Central Asia participated in the conference organized by UNFPA and held under UNFPA’s Expanding Choices programme, funded by…

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A woman, man, and girl child sit on the floor of a house. All three are smiling and are surrounded by toys and household items.

Living and working with disabilities: Voices from the region

“I was four or five when I realized there were some things I couldn’t do: I could run but not jump up and play French skipping,” said Anna Maisuradze, 34 years old, from Georgia. “When I grew up, I…

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