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Family friendly workplace policies at a high-level conference in Istanbul in September 2022.

UNFPA conference looks at how family policies can promote gender equality and tackle Europe’s demographic woes

Over 100 government and business leaders from across Eastern Europe and Central Asia participated in the conference organized by UNFPA and held under UNFPA’s Expanding Choices programme, funded by…

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A woman, man, and girl child sit on the floor of a house. All three are smiling and are surrounded by toys and household items.

Living and working with disabilities: Voices from the region

“I was four or five when I realized there were some things I couldn’t do: I could run but not jump up and play French skipping,” said Anna Maisuradze, 34 years old, from Georgia. “When I grew up, I…

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Event Summary: Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future

Summary of UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia's “Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future” conference which took place in Istanbul on 22 September 2022. The event brought together…

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A white card with a grey wave and colorful text on it

Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future

Join UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia on 22 September for the live stream of our “Inclusive Family Policies for a Better Future” conference in Istanbul. We're bringing together policymakers…

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A man in a blue shirt sits at a desk. He is holding a baby girl and looking at a stack of papers in his hand.

It’s time to tear down the barriers preventing women and men from having the careers, and number of children, they want

Women across Europe and Central Asia are still widely expected to shoulder much of the unpaid work at home: cleaning, managing the household, caring for children, husbands and older relatives. This,…

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