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Expanding Choices through family-friendly policies in Moldova

Implemented by the United Nations Population Fund, with the support of the Austrian Development Agency, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and Chamber of Commerce…

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Gender stereotypes and unequal distribution of household and child care responsibilities have a major impact on women's and men's income throughout life

[Note: This article originally appeared on UNFPA Moldova's website. It is re-published here with their permission.]   The lack of a work-life balance, childcare and household responsibilities,…

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United Nations Population Fund is launching a new campaign to promote opportunities for fathers to engage more in child-rearing

[Note: This article originally appeared on UNFPA Moldova's website. It is re-published here with their permission.] On the eve of the International Day of Families, celebrated on 15 May…

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WHAT'S NEXT? Expanding Choices Through Family-Friendly Policies

How do policies in the workplace impact gender equality and choices for families? Join UNFPA for a public conversation on this important and timely topic, “What’s Next: Expanding Choices Through…

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Fathers have an important role

‘Fathers have an important role’: Promoting paternity leave in the Western Balkans and Moldova

ISTANBUL – When Blerim Bitri first heard about the opportunity to take paternity leave when his second child was born last year, he admits he was a little sceptical. “It seemed strange to me,” says…

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