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Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices



A woman in a blue blazer holds a microphone and speaks

Sexual and reproductive health and rights must remain top priority in a fast-changing region, participants say at ICPD30 event in Tbilisi

TBILISI, 26 September 2023 – Sexual and reproductive health and rights are a key enabler of development and individual well-being and must remain a top priority, in light of a range of challenges…

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ICPD30 youth

Call for applications: Young professionals on the road to ICPD30

We are looking for young, unpublished researchers or other professionals who have recently conducted research into youth-related issues in the wider European region to submit a paper presenting their…

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CSO consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices

CSO consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices

A one-day CSO Consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices will be held at the Palais des Nations, 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday 18 October…

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