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President of the Republic of Bulgaria
Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
UN Under-Secretary-General and UNFPA Executive Director
European Commission Vice-President for Democracy and Demography
Deputy Prime Minister of Economic and Social Policies and Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Republic of Bulgaria
Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population, Azerbaijan
Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family, Italy
Minister for Senior Citizens and Active Ageing, Malta
Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia and Presidency of the EU
Minister of Social Policy, Ukraine
Министр по делам семьи, труда и социальной политики, Польша
Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Republic of North Macedonia
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Bulgaria
Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Republic of Moldova
Minister of Family and Social Services, Turkey
Executive Secretary, Population Europe
Founding Director of Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, Population Europe
Министр труда и социальных вопросов Армении
Министр по делам молодежи и спорта Сербии
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection, Tajikistan</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Climate Advisor at the World Economic Forum, former President of the European Youth Forum</p>
<p>Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Portugal</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs, Georgia</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Collective Impact Director, Mozaik Foundation</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Russian Federation</p>
<p>Vice-Minister of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Агентство стратегических инициатив Российской Федерации</p>
<p>Deputy Minister for Development of the Economy, Trade and Agriculture, Ukraine</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria</p>
<p>Chairwoman of the Board of the Latvian Young Farmers' Club</p>
<p>State Secretary for Family Policy Strategy, Hungary</p>
<p>Co-Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">The Guardian</p>
<p>Director of Programmes and Projects International, Austrian Development Agency</p>
<p>CBE Professor of Gerontology, University of Oxford</p>
<p>Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Serbia</p>
<p>Vice-Minister, Ministry of Human Development and Social Inclusion, Costa Rica</p>
<p>State Secretary for Demography and Youth Issues, Croatia</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">The Economist</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Executive Director of Eurofound</p>
<p data-uw-rm-mod="" data-uw-styling-context="true">Chairperson, Agency of Statistics, Tajikistan</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Armenia</p>
<p>Regional Director, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Director, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine</p>
<p>Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons</p>
<p>Former Vice-President of the European Youth Forum</p>
<p>CEO and President, ICANN </p>
<p>President, Safe Motherhood Committee, Republic of North Macedonia</p>
<p>Mayor of Soria, Spain</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw</p>
<p>Regional Gender Advisor, UNFPA</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">YPEER volunteer, Turkmenistan</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Health, Ukraine</p>
<p>Chairperson of the Senate, Uzbekistan</p>
<p>Chairperson, National Statistics Committee, Kyrgyzstan</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection, Albania</p>
<p>Director General for Policies against Depopulation, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Spain </p>
<p>Head of Board, Teenergizer, Ukraine</p>
<p>Chair, Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection, Health and Family, Republic of Moldova</p>
<p>Chair, NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Resident Representative, UNDP Serbia</p>
<p data-uw-rm-mod="">Master of Public Health, President SEX vs THE STORK Association, Romania</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">TRT World</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Secretary General, General Secretariat of the National Population Council, Mexico</p>
<p>Roma activist</p>
<p>First Vice-Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Kazakhstan</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Permanent State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Public Finance Economist, Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization</p>
<p>Independent Expert on International Policy on Ageing</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Deputy Head of Cabinet of Dubravka Šuica, European Commission</p>
<p>Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the UN</p>
<p>Chairman of Parliament, Tajikistan</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Greece</p>
<p>Executive Director, Think Tank Populari</p>
<p>State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ukraine</p>
<p data-uw-styling-context="true">UNECE Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe </p>
<p>Regional Director, UN Women Europe and Central Asia</p>
<p>Senior Advisor, Economics and Demography, UNFPA</p>
<p>Chief, Population and Development Branch, UNFPA</p>
<p>Regional Director, UNFPA</p>